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The Recruitment of a Project Coordinator for the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project(click to download TOR)

The Ministry of Communication, Technology, and Innovation(MOCTI) seeks to recruit a Project Coordinator for the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project(SLDTP).

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The Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to provide Technical Assistance to support the development of an e-Parliament blueprint with technical specifications and design for the implementation of e-Parliament system in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. . A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021, setting the GoSL's vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently. The objective of the consultancy is to review the Parliament information system currently used by the Parliament of Sierra Leone, analyze the business and functional requirements, and design a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose modern collaborative e-Parliament system for the Parliament of Sierra Leone.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to conduct a feasibility study to identify potential sites to serve as DAPs, and to assess the availability of internet connectivity and the viability of providing key Government-to-Citizen (G2C)/ Government-to-Business (G2B) public services with a list of potential e-services to be provided.

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Parliament in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently. The Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project (SLDTP) is a five-year International Development Association (IDA)--funded project supported by a US$50 million grant. The General Objective of this activity is to enhance digital service delivery, increase digital service uptake and reduce the digital divide in Sierra Leone through the deployment of Digital Access Points nationwide.


The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. . A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021, setting the GoSL's vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the SLDTP is seeking the services of a qualified firm to develop a robust national cybersecurity risk management framework for the protection of all critical information infrastructure (CII) whose compromise by a cyberattack can have a debilitating impact on national security, provision of essential services, the economy and public safety.

The Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to provide Technical Assistance on Deep dive discussions on the requirement of the Justice Sector digitalization and e-Justice system in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Parliament in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently. The objective of the consultancy is to do a deep dive into digital and digitization needs of the justice sector, review the information system currently used by the various players in the sector, analyze the business and functional requirements, and design a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose modern collaborative e-Justice system for the justice sector of Sierra Leone.


The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021, setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

NC3 Staff Capacity Development For Newly Recruited Staff

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to provide Technical Assistance to support the development of e-Cabinet blueprint with technical specifications and design for implementation of e-Cabinet system in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

Comprehensive study to assess the supply and demand of digital skills and to evaluate the potential of the gig economy to provide employment opportunities to youth, women, and people with disabilities in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.


The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

The Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to provide Technical Assistance to support the development of e-Cabinet blueprint with technical specifications and design for implementation of e-Cabinet system in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the Sierra Leone Internet Exchange Point (SLIXP) Technical and Commercial Viability Study

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

Consultancy Firm Services to Conduct a Baseline Survey/Study to assess the footprint of e-waste in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021, setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently

The terms of reference for the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project (SLDTP)

The Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project (SLDTP) is a five-year International Development Association (IDA)-funded project supported with a US$50 million grant. The project’s main implementing agency is the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC). The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to expand access to broadband internet, enhance digital skills and improve government capacity to deliver public services digitally.

Terms of Reference for the recruitment of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project.

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. A high-level vision for the digital economy is articulated in the new National Digital Development Policy (NDDP), which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2021 setting the GoSL’s vision to transform Sierra Leone into an inclusive digital economy and society and to leverage digital technology to support the GoSL to deliver on its national development plan effectively and efficiently.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the development of a Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Frameworks for the Digital Government Agenda in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Communications, Technology and Innovation has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to undertake a comprehensive market, tariff and cost study to develop Significant Market Power (SMP) legislation, and clear interconnection regulations in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. The Ministry of Communications, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) is the line Ministry chiefly in charge of driving the Government’s digital transformation strategic vision and promoting ICT sector policy.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the development of a Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Frameworks for the Digital Government Agenda in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Communications, Technology and Innovation has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the Development of Digital Service Standards and G2C/G2B Services Landscape Review in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Communications, Technology and Innovation has received financing from the World Bank toward the implementation the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the Assessment and Transition Strategy Development of the current Government Wide Area, Local Area Networks and Hosting and Storage Infrastructure needs for Digital Services and Systems

The Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Information and Communications has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Terms of Reference for the Recruitment of a Consulting Firm to undertake a comprehensive market, tariff and cost study to develop Significant Market Power (SMP) legislation, and clear interconnection regulations in Sierra Leone

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) has committed to transforming its economy based on a more inclusive and human-centric digital growth and development approach. The Ministry of Communications, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) is the line Ministry chiefly in charge of driving the Government’s digital transformation strategic vision and promoting ICT sector policy.

digital 4 development (d4d)

Digital development or ICT4D (information and communication technology for development) describe the use and application of technology and digital tools in international development.

Integrated cybersecurity

Cyber security refers to every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats. As cyberattacks become more common and sophisticated and corporate networks grow more complex, a variety of cyber security solutions are required to mitigate corporate cyber risk.

inclusive connectivity

Development of broadband connectivity will increase access to the Internet across the country which will enable widespread digital innovation with influence across multiple institutions compounding both public and the private sectors.

citizen's outreach

Our objective is to enhance education in rural communities with the help of proper ICT infrastructure including the accessibility for Internet and Our aim is to empower the rural population with the help of ICT. Educating the youths and willing adults by providing related local content for proper understanding.


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